Gratitude Diary Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

Today I am grateful for the bin men who came to collect our bins.

Richards Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I am grateful for being able to pass on messages of thanks

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I am grateful for a decent cuppa this morning.

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I am grateful to the vet who has treated Thor. Also to the NRMA who got her there.

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I am grateful that Thor seems to be recovering

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

Today I am grateful for the coffee I go and have every Tuesday morning with my colleagues.

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

Today I am grateful for the rain glinting on the flowers outside my office window.

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I'm grateful to my doctor for a great conversation yesterday.

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

Thank you to Simon for keeping on at me to keep the gratitude diary going!

Richard Stanton

To: Gratitude Diary
Gratitude Diary, Australia

I'm grateful for the opportunity to bring gratitude into people's lives.

Richard Stanton

Say Thank You

Messages of thanks to staff members will be sent via TAP’s thanking platform, and shared on TAP’s public Thanking Walls and on other public channels (if permission is given by Thankers). Messages of thanks to the organisation will be posted on TAP’s public Thanking Walls and shared on other public channels. Your personal data will not be shared publicly. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy 🡭 and Terms of Service 🡭 apply.